As an adult, it can be stressful uprooting your life and moving to a new city. However, for kids – with no say in the matter – this transition can be completely life-changing and scary. Working with your family before, during and after your move can help everyone settle in quickly and easily.

Before the move

Give children ample notice and information

As soon as you’re fully decided, you should break the news to your family. Giving your child prior notice allows them time to say goodbye to their friends and favorite places.

Try to offer as much information as possible about your future town, their school and all the positive opportunities awaiting them.

Learn more about their school

Nothing is more frustrating than feeling completely behind when getting to a new town. Find out more about the curriculum at your student’s new school compared to their old school to prepare for the switch.

Maintain contact with old friends

Leaving friends and extended family behind may leave your child lonely. Help them maintain contact with old friends by letting them exchange phone numbers and addresses before they depart and talking to them via FaceTime. If possible, try to visit your hometown to reconnect with old friends intermittently.

During the move

Give them responsibility

While your child doesn’t have much say in the move, you can still extend them a few responsibilities that will make them feel in control. For example, sorting through the items they’d like to keep or give away, choosing the color and décor of their new room, and deciding on a new family pet.

After the move

You’ll have done your research to find a neighborhood with families similar to yours, so now you just need to meet them. The more you get into your community to meet people, the more comfortable your little ones will feel to do the same.

Get involved in the community

Becoming acquainted with your new area may put your child’s mind at ease. Drive around and find your new school, local parks and familiar restaurants that make your city feel like home.

Extracurricular Activities

Hobbies introduce your little one to several community kids with similar interests. If he or she participated in soccer, cheerleading  or theater in your old home, try to gather information about those activities in your new area and get your student enrolled soon after you’re settled.

Community Events

You’re bound to make connections and meet a diversity of locals at community events. Libraries typically host children’s events which gives you the opportunity to meet parents and your child to meet other’s their age.

Spending Time Outside

Get outdoors and spend time meeting your neighbors. Take the dog for a walk during busy times, visit the park, play outdoors and greet those you see along the way.

Gathering information about the events happening around your city for both you and your children can get confusing. Relocation companies point you in the right direction for anything you need including schools, sports, and clubs. Bend Relocation Services has insight on all things happening in Bend, Oregon, to help you get acquainted with our town. Give us a call today for a consultation!